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Please view our latest blog on how to size your dilators!
Any time you use a personal lubricant with dilators or for intercourse, it’s best to use a water-based personal lubricant as it’s the safest. You can use any brand of lubricant with any of our dilators, just make sure it says water-based and not silicone-based, as the silicone based lubricants can damage the silicone on your dilators.
Yes, absolutely. Intimate Rose spent an incredible amount of time and effort to ensure their dilators are the highest quality dilators on earth. Each one of Intimate Rose's vaginal dilators uses a smooth, body safe, medical grade silicone that's BPA free and designed to comfortably glide into the body.As you’re researching other dilators, you’ll find that other silicone dilators can be very sticky to the touch, which is the opposite of what you want when you’re having pain with penetration and medical exams. Intimate Rose silicone dilators are made to be comfortable to insert yet firm enough to hold their shape, and provide the most true to life experience so your body is ready for the real thing.
The dilators are easy to clean, simply use a mild soap and warm water. Avoid bleach or any harsh chemicals for your safety.
a) First, you need to wash your hands and your dilators with mild soap and warm water
b) Find a quiet, comfortable for your dilator practice.
c) Use a generous amount of water-based lubricant on the dilator and your vagina (or rectum).
d) Select the dilator that you can accommodate and lay down either on your back with your knees bent or on your side with knees bent and a pillow cushioning your knees.
e) Breathe deeply and gently bring the vaginal trainer to your body and insert on exhale.
f) Keep the dilator inserted for 15 minutes or as instructed by your healthcare provider.
g) Repeat this process once or twice per day, progressing to larger sizes are you’re able.
Everyone is different pertaining to how long it takes to get the dilator in on the first time and how long it takes to move to the next size. It’s ok if it doesn’t happen on day 1. Take your time, breathe, and follow the instructions provided with your dilators, as well as the the videos and articles on IntimateRose.com to avoid discomfort.
We never promise our dilators will help everyone because different treatments work differently on people as you are aware of. What we can tell you is that we have helped over 10,000 women and have had no complaints or harmful side effects reported. We encourage you to read our great reviews of customers who have significantly reduced their penetration pain due to VuVa Vaginal Dilators.
In a small double blind placebo clinical trial conducted through Sarasota Memorial Hospital IRB, Magnetic Vaginal Dilators were clinically proven to be more effective than Non-Magnetic dilators. You can read more on our Clinical Trial page.
VuVa Magnetic Dilators contain Neodymium Magnets that are very costly. A Neodymium Magnet is a widely used type of rare-earth magnet used in medical applications, it is made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron to form the Nd2Fe14B tetragonal crystalline structure which is the fundamental base of the magnet. These magnets are positioned by hand in a beneficial patented pattern with the north side facing outward for maximum depth penetration. Our patented Full Set of Magnetic Dilators have over sixty strategically placed Neodymium Magnets.
Yes, if you hold a light up to the dilators (touch the plastic with light) such as a flashlight or camera phone you can see the magnets. There are over 60 magnets in each Full Set of Magnetic Dilators (five sizes).
No known adverse side effects were reported in our clinical trial. VuVa Vaginal Dilator therapy will be uncomfortable at first, but it is safe as long as you follow directions. Please consult with a doctor prior to starting any type of pelvic therapy and make sure you have your annual gynecological exam.
Neodymium Magnets will keep their strength for over 10 years.
There is a Lifetime Warranty on all VuVa products on Manufacture defects.
Please consult your physician before dilator treatment. Depending on condition, inserting vaginal dilators can be uncomfortable. You may feel some tightness and/or tingling when inserting a new vaginal dilator. Do not worry because this discomfort should gradually disappear, once the pelvic floor muscles relax.
VuVa Magnetic and Smooth Dilators are made of FDA approved, medical device grade polycarbonate. They are non-toxic, latex-free and waterproof. They are not silicone. The material needs to be sturdy and thin for magnetic field to pass through with ease for maximum depth penetration into body.
Our Silicone Dilators are made out of Medical Grade 6 Silicone and are latex free.
Our Magnetic Dilators are manufactured in the United States, at a facility in Sarasota, Florida.
Our Silicone Dilators are made in North America.
For hygiene and safety matters, it is important to clean the dilators after each session. Wash dilators with warm water and mild soap. Let dilators air dry before storage.
VuVa has enclosed a paraben and glycerin free lubricant. You may use any personal water-based lubricant you prefer. DO NOT use Vaseline or any petroleum jelly product.
If you are purchasing our silicone dilators, do not use a Silicone based lubricant.
Both wands are the same size, shape, and contour. They were designed to address trigger points associated with pelvic pain. The vibrating wand has ten different vibration variations to allow for maximum comfort while addressing painful trigger points and pelvic scar tissue. Vibration helps to improve circulation and relax the pelvic floor muscles for maximum healing and pain relief.
The vibrating wand is perfect for women who have had surgery, cancer, chronic pain, injury, fracture, or a history of vaginismus.
Any time you use a personal lubricant with the wand or for intercourse, it’s best to use a water-based personal lubricant as it’s the safest. You can use any brand of lubricant with Intimate Rose wands, just make sure it says water-based and not silicone-based, as the silicone based lubricants can damage the silicone on your wand.
Check out Urology Health Store's selection of water-based lubricant's and Gels.
Yes, absolutely. At Intimate Rose we went through years of product research and development. The shape and curvature of the wand was specifically designed by our pelvic expert to reach both the superficial and deepest layers of the pelvic floor muscles to relieve pain.
Our silicone is high quality, medical grade, BPA-free, and has a unique smooth finish for maximum safety and comfort.
Additionally, most trigger point wands are not FDA cleared, but our wand is FDA cleared.
Intimate Rose Pelvic Wands are easy to clean with basic gentle soap and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or solutions.
This video explains How to use the wand in detail, but generally, do the following:
a) First, you need to wash your hands and your wand with mild soap and warm water.
b) Find a quiet, comfortable place for your your trigger point wand session.
c) Use a generous amount of water-based lubricant on the wand and your vagina (or rectum).
d) Lay down either on your back with your knees bent or on your side with knees bent and a pillow cushioning your knees.
e) If you are using the vibrating wand, turn the power button on, and select the vibration frequency that you wish to use by pressing the selection button.Breathe deeply and gently bring the wand to your body and insert on exhale.
f) Gently sweep the end of the wand until you encounter a tender point. When you find a tender point, gently compress the end of the wand into the tender point with the same firmness you would use to check a tomato for ripeness. For example, don’t press so hard you squish your tomato.
g) Maintain gentle pressure on the tender point and slowly move your bent knee left and right until you find a position that stops the pain in the pelvic floor muscles. When you find this position, remain there for 1 to 2 minutes to allow the tender point to fully release. Continue to breathe deeply.
Everyone is different when healing painful trigger points. It is helpful to use the wand as needed for pain, or proactively a few sessions per week to avoid trigger points from forming.
Yes! The Intimate Rose pelvic wand is useful for men and women alike. Particularly the long narrow end can be used on men to reach both obturator internus and puborectalis.
Here's a guide on how to use the wand rectally: CLICK HERE
Maybe things just don't feel the same 'down there' and that's why you found us. Our pelvic floor muscles start to deteriorate from the age of 18 onwards. Pelvic floor muscles, or Kegel muscles, help us to keep control of our bladder, bowel, and wind, whilst adding that 'zing' for a satisfying love-life too! So our pelvic floor is vitally important, but we aren't always taught how to look after it properly. Locating the pelvic floor muscles accurately can be difficult, and 'bad Kegels' (those performed incorrectly) can actually do more harm than good. Kegel8 will help you to: Locate the pelvic floor muscles correctly - to maximize your Kegel exercises Strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor correctly and effectively Exercise using clinically based programmes for the very best results Maintain control of your bladder & bowel to keep your pelvic floor fit and healthy - whatever your age Here at Kegel8, we know you have a busy life, with many priorities that are greater than your own. Children, husband, aged parents, career, dog, housework - we all have a list, and sadly that leaves us at the bottom. That's why you can use your Kegel8 Pelvic Toner for just 10 - 15 minutes a day, for just 12 weeks, to get really noticeable results. It's never too late to start exercising with Kegel8 to reverse the signs of ageing in your pelvic floor, regain control and enjoy a satisfying love-life. No matter how weak or strong your pelvic floor is right now, you will be able to improve with Kegel8.
Comfortable and controllable - with Kegel8 you control the intensity at all times. Kegel8 electronic machines use neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) to exercise and bring weakened pelvic floor muscles back to life. You'll be amazed at how comfortable it is to use and will feel a gentle tingling or light pulling sensation as the muscle contracts. The electrical pulse will hold the muscle contraction for a set time. When the pulse stops the muscles will relax. This contraction and relaxation routine continues throughout the programme. Because we are all different, you control the intensity (mAs) of the pulse that you feel - you should aim for the gentle tingling rather an uncomfortable pull! Please remember, you can use an electrode probe vaginally or anally or, if you prefer, you can use electrode pads on specific areas on the surface of your body (tibial and sacral nerve stimulation available on the Kegel8 Ultra 20 only).
No two women are ever the same and results vary for us all. With a Kegel8 unit, we ask you to exercise once or twice daily for a 12 week period. By exercising daily you will coax your weak pelvic floor back to strength and improved sensation - but it will usually take about two weeks before you really start to notice a difference. Clinical evidence shows us that there are other things as well as exercising that will contribute to better results from your Kegel8. Improving your posture, supplementing with Vitamin D3, and weight loss will contribute greatly to amplifying the results you can achieve. We know that like most women your life is hectic, and it is quite possible that your needs often come at the end of a very long list. That's why we have designed Kegel8 to fit around your busy lifestyle; you need to feel improvements so you don't become demoralized and give up! Many women are delighted to report that their partner notices improvements even before they do, which is always a great incentive to carry on the exercising. The number one reason Kegel exercises fail is because we either don't feel they are working or we give up too soon. If you are ready to commit to just 12 weeks of regular daily exercise, you will be amazed at the improvement in tone, strength, control and sensation.
Panty pads and panty liners are great for giving you confidence in case of an accident. There is nothing worse than wetting your knickers as you dive to a loo and don't make it in time. It is smelly and uncomfortable. Most of us have been there at some time or another, and you might find that your pelvic floor is weaker at certain times of the month so it happens more regularly. But we cannot stress highly enough that you must not rely on panty pads; laughter leaks are not an inevitable part being a mum or getting older. Here's what we know: If you are suffering from leaks and accidents it is your pelvic floor literally 'crying out' for attention. It will not get better 'on its own'. Many women say they wish they had not ignored these signs, especially if they go on to suffer a prolapse (pelvic organs dropping down). 1:2 women aged 50 will suffer some form of prolapse. Leaking urine is traumatic for many women - many progress onto suffering with faecal leaks too. With bladder and bowel leaks come reduced intimate sensation and the loss of confidence, dignity, and in some case intimacy altogether. On average, a woman uses 10,000 disposable sanitary products in her lifetime and most end up in landfill sites - not at all 'green' or environmentally friendly. Panty pads & liners on average cost the user £217 per year. Why pad the problem when you can use a Kegel8 unit? Taking control with Kegel8 can really put a smile on your face too – it's fresher, healthier and cleaner, and the chances are your love life could really benefit too!
When we hit the road with the Kegel8 Roadshow to events and fitness shows we get asked the following: Does it vibrate? – NO! – It is totally silent. It is not a sex toy; it is an investment in your pelvic health and intimate sensations too! Is it just for sex? - NO! - It's for your health and wellbeing and can help you to regain control of those embarrassing 'laughter leaks'. I'm not sexually active so my pelvic floor will be stronger - NO! Sadly, the less we use it, and that includes sex as well, the weaker our pelvic floor can become - unless we do targeted exercises for strengthening. One woman said to us, "I haven't had sex for 4 years and I thought it would be really tight, like the first time all over again - how wrong was I? It felt lose and baggy and I struggled to have an orgasm. I definitely need a Kegel8 to get back in shape and quick!" We also find that there are some women unable or unwilling to use a vaginal probe, but they still want to enjoy the benefits of a strong pelvic floor and regain control. With the Kegel8 Ultra 20, the pelvic floor can be exercised outside the body by using tibial nerve stimulation and sacral nerve stimulation. We find this is particularly beneficial for some older ladies who are desperate to regain bladder/bowel control. We do know that incontinence is the second most popular reason that women are admitted into care homes - and many of us want to remain as independent and in control for as long as possible. With Kegel8 there is now a clinically proven, dignified and easy home treatment for pelvic floor weakness - for all women, no matter what age!
Yes. It is safe to use a Kegel8 electronic pelvic toner if you have a Mirena coil or other intrauterine device (IUD) fitted. An IUD is positioned right into the uterus via the cervix and is therefore out of the way of the vaginal probe which, when in use, will be in the first two inches of the vagina. If you prefer not to use a vaginal probe you can also strengthen your pelvic floor, and treat overactive bladder, using electrode pads with a special programme on the Kegel8 Ultra 20 Pelvic Toner. The Mirena coil is plastic and safe to use with Kegel8 NMES pelvic toners. Any IUD containing copper (e.g. 'copper coil') is unaffected by a Kegel8 NMES pelvic toner, so no problems there either.
It is your personal choice - you can use your Kegel8 during your period if you wish, but some women prefer not to. Many women find that using a Kegel8 electronic toner during their period helps to alleviate period pain and muscle cramps. If you have the Kegel8 Ultra 20 unit, you could opt to use electrode pads on your skin, and choose between exercise programmes such as tibial or sacral nerve stimulation. Alternatively, you can use the electrode pads with a pain killing programme for the relief of period pain. You don't always have to use a vaginal or anal probe, and by using your Kegel8 in different ways it will exercise and invigorate nerves, muscles and fibres in different ways.
Vaginal & anal probes with long electrodes (the metal part) that run up and down the length of the attachment should always be inserted with the metal parts facing hip-to-hip. The electrodes conduct the electrical pulse and should be in contact with the main part of the muscle at all times - vaginally this is two inches inside the vagina. The electrode part should not be in contact with the sensitive labia. Anal probes may vary in depth and some are adjustable. It is recommended that the electrode part is positioned 'hip to hip' past the sphincter muscles of the anus, maintaining muscle contact at all times unless directed otherwise by a clinician. Vaginal & anal probes with circular electrodes - if they have circular electrodes (the metal part), simply insert them to the desired depth. The metal parts conduct the electrical pulse and should be in contact with the main part of the muscle at all times - vaginally this is two inches inside the vagina. The electrode part should not be in contact with the sensitive labia. Anal probes may vary in depth and some are adjustable. It is recommended that the electrodes are inserted past the sphincter muscles of the anus, maintaining muscle contact at all times. It is important that the probe maintains good contact with the muscle at all times. If a probe becomes dislodged, the Kegel8 machine will cut out and the exercise programme will stop. Sometimes the wearing of tight fitting undergarments or a tight pair of jeans will help to keep the probe in place and maintain correct contact during the programme.
A water based gel such as KE Gel should be used on the probe to facilitate easy insertion and to ensure good electrode contact, thereby improving the flow of the electrical pulse. If you are post-menopausal, with thinning or dryness of your vaginal tissue, a course of oestrogen cream may help. This is available from your GP and could help with vaginal dryness, tenderness, itching and soreness. If you use a Kegel8 Ultra 20 pelvic toner and use electrode pads on the outside of your body, you do not need to use a lubricant; however, to make sure your electrode pads last as long as possible we recommend that your skin is free from lotions and creams and the electrode pads are stored on the clear film, in a cool place. Some users claim that storing them in a fridge is ideal for getting the most treatments out of one set of electrode pads!
We recommend that you clean your probe before first use. Simply rinse the probe part in water and detergent 50-55°c and can add dry with soft clean cloth.. Please remember to keep the wires dry at all times. Do not boil the probe. Our probes are for single patient use only; please do not share your probe. If you want to use the same probe vaginally to anally this is OK, but always thoroughly clean it because bacteria can transfer from the anus.
Exercising using a vaginal/anal probe - initially we recommend you use your Kegel8 once a day for 12 weeks. Some users are anxious to see quick results – in this case you might like to perform two programmes daily, but leave at least 6 hours apart to minimise fatigue in your pelvic floor muscles. Fatigue is demonstrated if you find there is a worsening of your symptoms. If this happens, your treatment time should be reduced; cut a programme time in half and exercise once a day or every other day. Your muscles will get stronger, but it has to be a gradual process for lasting effective results. Exercising using electrode pads - use it once or twice a day for 12 weeks, making sure you leave at least 6 hours between programmes to minimise fatigue in your pelvic floor muscles. Fatigue is demonstrated if you find there is a worsening of your symptoms. If this happens, your treatment time should be reduced; cut a programme time in half and only use it once a day. Your muscles will get stronger, but it has to be a gradual process for lasting effective results. Pain relief & relaxation - the low intensity relaxation and pain relief programmes can be used as and when you need them.
Here's what we know: We are all different and how we feel the mAs can be affected by skin thickness, skin circulation and the quality of electrode (metal part of the probe) contact. Always choose a level that feels comfortable for you; you should never feel uncomfortable, just a gentle tingling sensation. When you start to increase the mAs, the sensory fibres are the first to be stimulated, followed by the fast motor, and then finally the slow motor muscle fibres. When using a vaginal and/or anal probe, make sure the mAs reading is above 30 so the pulse can penetrate deep into the muscles. When using electrode pads, the maximum level advised is 15mAs.
Consult with your doctor or consultant; every case is different, but the Kegel8 could help to speed up your recovery and improve the surgical outcome. Stress Incontinence and prolapse is usually a sign of a weak pelvic floor, so if you have had an operation to help with either of these conditions you will still have a weak pelvic floor and you need Kegel8 more than ever! Please note that if you are currently receiving treatment for any pelvic cancer, Kegel8 electronic pelvic toners that use neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) are contraindicated. This is because we know that cancer cells multiply under different influences and at present there are no studies on the effect of NMES on cancer cells in humans. So please do not use unless under the guidance of a medical practitioner.
Whilst it is accepted that there is little research on this topic, it is currently believed that neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is not contraindicated once routine frequency of cervical smears is re-established.
Pacemakers can be affected by electrical currents. Kegel8 uses neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) to trigger muscle contractions and therefore its use is contraindicated unless under medical guidance.
Yes you can, as long as there is enough room in your vagina to insert the probe and make sure that the electrode (the metal parts) has good contact with the walls of the vagina/muscles. Alternatively if you don't want to, or are unable to, use a vaginal probe, you can use electrode pads with the Kegel8 Ultra 20. Pioneering clinical programmes on the Kegel8 Ultra 20 mean that if you have a pessary fitted it should not stand in the way of strengthening your pelvic floor. With electrode pads you can now stimulate certain points on the outside of your body, namely the ankle with tibial nerve stimulation, and at the base of the spine with sacral nerve stimulation.
Initially we recommend that you use the Kegel8 either reclining or sitting with your legs elevated. This will help you get used to the Kegel8 sensation and also to stop the probe falling out of position. It is important that the probe maintains contact with the muscles of your pelvic floor in order to work effectively. If you do not get an effective contact with the probe you will find that you cannot increase the mAs (intensity), meaning your pelvic floor exercises are not as beneficial as they could be. When you are sitting with your legs elevated (e.g. sitting up in bed reading), try altering the angle of your legs by bringing your knees up. Variations like this will alter the angle of the vagina, ensuring different areas of the pelvic floor muscles are exercised, whilst you maintain a good contact with your probe. When you get more proficient you may want to move around with the Kegel8. You'll find that you can walk, iron, watch TV or check your e-mails while exercising - perfect for us women who have to multi-task in our busy lives. Associating the use of a Kegel8 with a regular activity such as ironing will act as a reminder for you to do your exercises.
This will depend on the type of prolapse and if you use a vaginal and/or anal probe or electrode pads. When using a vaginal/anal probe: Depending on the type and grade of prolapse you have affects the way you should use your Kegel8. Some types of prolapse prevent the vaginal probe making proper contact with the muscle walls. We therefore recommend that you do the exercises lying down with your hips elevated. Put a pillow or cushion under your bottom – this will ensure that prolapsed organs are not bearing down and putting pressure on your pelvic floor as you exercise. If using a vaginal or anal probe you'll probably find that exercising first thing in the morning, before you get out of bed, may be easier because the prolapsed organs may not have 'worked their way down'. This is because when you get up and move around, your pelvic organs will drop. As such, some women find inserting the probe at the end of a day difficult. When using electrode pads Pioneering clinical programmes on the Kegel8 Ultra 20 mean that you can now stimulate certain points on the outside of your body using electrode pads instead of via vaginal/anal probes. The areas targeted are by the ankle with tibial nerve stimulation and at the base of the spine with sacral nerve stimulation. When using electrode pads we recommend that you sit comfortably with your legs raised.
If the screen is displaying the programme and numbers (so you know there is power in the unit), then you need to adjust the mA button so that it is a level you can feel. Kegel8 knows that all women are different and we feel the intensity at different levels, so it is up to you to set the level of intensity that is right for you. The machine is waiting for you to tell it what you want. Remember; we are aiming for a gentle tingling - it should be comfortable, but you will be able to feel the sensation of the electrical pulse contracting your muscles. To increase the mAs you'll see the plus button (+) on the side of the probe. Increase the mAs until you can feel the muscles contracting. When using a probe it should be above 30mAs, when using electrode pads on the skin this is 15mA's.
Kegel8 units use clinical programmes to exercise and rehabilitate your pelvic floor. Some programmes are divided into phases to vary the electrical pulses for optimum results. When a programme changes phases you might notice that the mAs or intensity drops and you can't feel the Kegel8 working. This is a safety measure built in to make sure that when the programme goes through its phase it doesn't automatically increase the intensity and feel uncomfortable. If you see or feel the intensity (mAs) drop as the programme proceeds through its phases, simply press the + button to increase the intensity once again.
If you are using a vaginal probe and you cannot increase the intensity (mAs) above 20 without a painful prickling sensation you could have vaginal atrophy or a dry vagina. What we know: Vaginal atrophy can mean that using a Kegel8 Ultra 20 or Tight & Tone could be painful. This is because the tissue in your vagina is very dry. In many cases vaginal atrophy and dryness can also contribute to the symptoms of a weak pelvic floor and you may suffer incontinence as a result. Ask your GP or healthcare provider for a topical oestrogen cream such as Vagifem that could help to plump the tissue of the vagina and enable you to use a vaginal probe in comfort. After a 30 day treatment you should be able to continue to use your Kegel8 with a vaginal probe again. Alternatively, if you have a Kegel8 Ultra 20 you don't have to use a vaginal probe. We recommend that you use electrode pads in the region of your ankles (tibial nerve stimulation) and at the base of your spine (sacral nerve stimulation). This will not only exercise your pelvic area, but also help with the vaginal atrophy and vaginal dryness by improving circulation and muscle tone.
NICE clinical guidelines advise against using neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) machines such as the Kegel8 Ultra 20, Kegel8 Tight & Tone and the Kegel8 Mother Nurture during pregnancy unless under medical guidance/advice. Being pregnant places a lot of stress on your pelvic floor muscles and your pelvic floor can become weak and stretched from as early as 12 weeks into your pregnancy. It is advisable to follow a range of manual pelvic floor exercises to keep your pelvic floor strong and supportive throughout your pregnancy. A strong pelvic floor is beneficial for natural childbirth and your post-partum recovery will be quicker too!
Use a hormone free, water based lubricant such as KE Gel; it is specially formulated, body-friendly with no parabens. Put a few drops directly onto the probe for easier insertion. KE Gel ensures a nice moist area, perfect for effective muscle stimulation. If you are menopausal or post-menopausal you could be suffering from vaginal atrophy, this causes vaginal dryness, thinning of the vaginal membrane and great discomfort. Sadly, in this case, a few drops of our magic lubricant won't help matters. You have two options: Ask your doctor to prescribe a course of topical oestrogen cream. A course of 30 days should enable you to continue to use the vaginal probe. If you have a Kegel8 Ultra 20 you do not need to use a vaginal or anal probe. Have a look at tibial nerve stimulation (by your ankle) and sacral nerve stimulation (at the base of your spine). These programmes use electrode pads, so you won't have the discomfort of a vaginal probe, but you'll still get great clinically proven results. Kegel8 is aware that many women with vaginal atrophy are unable to use a vaginal probe, and it is for that very reason that we have pioneered the use of tibial and sacral nerve stimulation. Please do not be deterred from pelvic floor exercising if you have vaginal atrophy. With the Kegel8 Ultra 20 you can still strengthen your pelvic floor and reap the benefits that improved tone, control and sensation can bring.
All bladder symptom,s including leakage, urgency and frequent need to urinate, improve by exercises to strengthen and tone your pelvic floor muscles. Healthy pelvic floor muscles give better closure when there is pressure on the bladder, improve your ability to “hold on” when you experience an urge and give you greater ability to delay when you need to. Programmes P02 & P03 are muscle exercise programmes. The electrical current will make your muscles contract and relax in a regular exercise pattern. If your bladder also feels “jumpy” or “irritable”, (often termed a sensitive or overactive bladder) you can also use your stimulation machine to “calm” the nerves to the bladder muscle using a neuromodulation programme. P06 is a nerve-calming neuromodulation programme for sensitive nerves. A low frequency current has a soothing effect on the bladder nerves. It can be used daily (later twice daily if comfortable). This neuromodulation programme can be applied close to the pelvic floor and bladder with the internal probe. It can also be effectively applied with skin electrodes on the lower pelvis or at the ankle
Muscle stimulation for exercise can be used daily or twice daily. It is recommended to leave at least 5 hours between sessions. If you are sensitive or irritated by the presence of an internal electrode we suggest an alternate day pattern. PO6 neuromodulation for an overactive bladder can be used alone once or twice daily. It is recommended to leave at least 5 hours between sessions. If you are sensitive or irritated by the presence of an internal electrode we suggest an alternate day pattern or alternating between using an internal probe and skin electrodes as your mode of application. If you have mixed symptoms, neuromodulation (PO6) can be used as an additional session to one of the muscle exercise programmes (PO2/P03) (eg one in the morning, a different one in the evening), or alternate days with the muscle exercise programmes. We encourage you to explore the options to find the best fit for your symptoms and lifestyle.
While research suggests men who have undergone a prostatectomy will benefit from Kegel exercises to stop stress incontinence, it has a range of other benefits – from trivial to life-changing.
By strengthening your pelvic floor, it’s possible to:
-Improve bowel and bladder control – meaning less chance of leaking urine and stool or passing wind
-Help the bladder and bowel empty fully
-Increase social confidence and overall wellbeing
Kegel exercises not only help improve everyday bodily functions, but they can also kick your sex life into gear…
Yes, they can. Kegel exercises are proven to stimulate and boost blood flow to the groin – which happens naturally during sex.Studies show a strong pelvic floor can lead to harder and longer-lasting erections and give men greater control over ejaculation.At Kegel8, we know erectile issues and premature ejaculation can not only knock confidence but even be a setback in romantic relationships. But it’s important to remember they’re extremely common and you’re not alone if they are affecting your sex life.
By strengthening your pelvic floor, it’s possible to:
-Improve bowel and bladder control – meaning less chance of leaking urine and stool or passing wind
-Help the bladder and bowel empty fully
-Increase social confidence and overall wellbeing
Kegel exercises not only help improve everyday bodily functions, but they can also kick your sex life into gear…
As with any healthy lifestyle change, it’s important to start performing Kegel exercises from a young age.because pelvic floor muscles naturally weaken over time – from everyday tasks like heavy lifting, persistent coughing and general ageing – the stronger and more resilient your pelvic floor, the easier it is to protect against incontinence or sexual complications.The beauty of Kegel exercises is that you can do them anywhere. Whether you’re sitting, standing, walking or running – simply contracting your Kegel muscles at regular intervals helps strengthen them.
It’s recommended to perform Kegel exercises in two-minute spells – alternating between contracting and resting every 10 seconds. Try these two to three times a day to start feeling notable improvements in your pelvic floor strength. If this is a stretch focus on good quality repetitions, aiming for three sets as you become stronger.Depending on how comfortable you feel, aim for around 10-20 repetitions. This may feel like too much for some people at the start, but don’t give up – it’s all part of building your strength.
A weak pelvic floor is one of the main causes of urine leakage in men. And Kegel exercises are one of the most effective ways to control your bladder, without taking additional prescription drugs or undergoing surgery.
However, complications with the prostate can also cause leaking issues. Whether it’s a benign enlargement, prostate infection, or something more serious, an inflamed prostate could be causing you problems with urinary incontinence.
Around 8% of men who’ve undergone a prostatectomy will develop some form of urinary incontinence. But the good news is that most regain bladder control with Kegel exercises over time.
A weak pelvic floor is one of the main causes of urine leakage in men. And Kegel exercises are one of the most effective ways to control your bladder, without taking additional prescription drugs or undergoing surgery.
However, complications with the prostate can also cause leaking issues. Whether it’s a benign enlargement, prostate infection, or something more serious, an inflamed prostate could be causing you problems with urinary incontinence.
Around 8% of men who’ve undergone a prostatectomy will develop some form of urinary incontinence. But the good news is that most regain bladder control with Kegel exercises over time.
If you’re new to male Kegel exercises, it can be tricky to know whether you’re doing them correctly and using the right muscles. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your pelvic floor exercises, follow our steps to finding your pelvic muscles:
-Pelvic floor muscles act as a ‘hammock’ for our pelvic organs. To find them, firstly sit, stand or lie somewhere comfortable. You’ll need to relax your thighs, buttocks and tummy.
-Tighten the muscles around your anus as if you’re trying to control wind – then relax. Try not to squeeze your buttocks together or clench your tummy or thigh muscles, though.
-Now imagine you’re passing urine – try to stop mid-flow and then start again. Don’t do this while you’re actually passing urine, as this can cause problems down the line.
-You can check you’re using the right muscles by placing your fingertips on the skin behind the scrotum. If you’re using the right muscles, you’ll feel the muscles lift away from your fingers each time you tighten the muscles.
A mix of slow and fast Kegel exercises can help men strengthen and control their muscles better. For slower pelvic floor exercises, simply:
-Tense the muscles slowly, so that you can feel a lifting sensation.
-Try to hold this for ten seconds – but don’t forget to breathe!
-Slowly relax the muscles and rest for 10 seconds.
-Aim to repeat this around ten times. Don’t worry if you can’t hold the lift for ten seconds at first – you can build up to this.
To practise faster pelvic floor exercises:
-Repeat the same action as before, but this time, try tightening the muscles as quickly as you can.
-Hold a strong contraction for 1-2 seconds and then let go.
-Try to do this around ten times.
Whether you’re practising slow or fast reps, try to do these exercises three to six times a day for the best results.
If you’re struggling with these exercises, it may be your muscles are struggling to contract on their own. If this is the case, don’t stress – help is readily available. Reach out to your nearest pelvic health clinic - we have created a map for you ! Click Here
The Kegel8 V for Men Pelvic Toner targets the right muscles every time and gives your pelvic floor a thorough workout – strengthening both the ‘fast twitch’ and ‘slow twitch’ pelvic muscle fibres.And there’s no need to remember to do your exercises three to six times a day. Simply use your Kegel8 V for Men once a day and the clinically designed programme will do your day’s worth of pelvic floor exercises in just minutes.
Quick Tip: Empty your bladder and bowel BEFORE each session.
Find your starter weight: Insert the ivory coloured weight and see if you can hold it in for 2 minutes while standing (no hands).If you can manage it, move up to the next darker shade. Repeat until you have found a challenging yet comfortable weight.
For a more detailed walk-through, see our how to video here!
Every woman starts from a different level of kegel/pelvic floor strength. It is common for some women to struggle with the first weight. If you can't keep the weights in, you may need to gain some base level of strength by performing Kegel Exercises for beginners.
Yes, many of our customers use a lubricant to help with the insertion and to add additional challenge when using the weights. Just make sure to use a water-based lubricant as silicone-based ones can damage the weights.
Use a challenging weight for 1-15 mins every day. Depending on the day, you might be able to hold a weight longer or shorter periods of time, and that’s ok. Your muscles can be tired, or you might be a little dry which can make holding the weights easier. Do what works for you on each day, targeting around 15 minutes.Many women find it convenient to do use the weights during their morning or evening routines and/or while showering. We recommend standing and moving with the weights to encourage your muscles to engage while doing daily activities.
As your pelvic floor muscles get stronger, you can move up to the next darker weight for an additional challenge. It could take a week or two to progress to each color weight. Every woman is different, so do what works for you. Challenge yourself without overdoing it.
Use a mild soap and warm water to wash the weights before and after each use.
When the weights are inserted your body, the body will naturally compensate to hold them, assuming you are properly lubricated. Your pelvic muscles will be activated just by having the weights inserted. However, the maximum benefit comes when the weights begin to slip and you will feel the need to tense your muscles to hold the weights in. So in a way, it is a combination of some unconscious and conscious (active) squeezing.We also have some advanced Kegel exercise techniques that you can use with the weights, as you start working your way up and need an additional challenge.
Some women begin to feel results as quickly as 1-2 weeks, but most women will take 3-4 weeks of consistent use to see improvement. Just like any exercise program for other muscles in your body, you will not see results overnight. It takes consistent effort and following the instructions and I'm sure you'll feel much better!
The devices exert a pulling force on the penis. The elongation treatment trains the physiological capacity of the penis and stimulates the formation of new body cells within the penis.
Learn more Here
The devices can be used with nearly every penis size.
The penis expanders are suitable for men of any age. We recommend only starting the treatment when the penis has reached its final size upon completion of the body growth, at approx. 18 years of age.
Yes, You can use the Penimaster Pro with both a circumcised and uncircumcised penis.
Use a challenging weight for 1-15 mins every day. Depending on the day, you might be able to hold a weight longer or shorter periods of time, and that’s ok. Your muscles can be tired, or you might be a little dry which can make holding the weights easier. Do what works for you on each day, targeting around 15 minutes.Many women find it convenient to do use the weights during their morning or evening routines and/or while showering. We recommend standing and moving with the weights to encourage your muscles to engage while doing daily activities.
The devices can be used until the desired treatment result is reached.
A wearing period of approx. 3 hours per day may result in visible results. Wearing the device for six and twelve hours per day is recommended. Longer application times does not necessarily result in better results, because the tissue will regenerate and react with growth to the previous elongation in the application pauses. Within the daily application time you can select the number and the duration of the pauses. The application time can be distributed through out the day: for example a couple of hours in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.
Every 60-90 minutes, pauses of at least 5 minutes should be made so the blood supply to the penis is stimulated with a slight regenerative massage and the cell growth is stimulated.
Wearing the device over night is not recommended and should only be considered if the user cannot preform a successful treatment during the day. When you are asleep, you cannot interrupt the application with supporting regenerative massages of the penis. If you have no choice but to wear the Penimaster while sleeping, the user should familiarize himself with the application before hand while awake, and should determine a comfortable pulling force and holding setting.
A trial of wearing the device without any interruptions covering a period of several hours should be tested before using it while sleeping. Please refer to the operating instructions of the respective product.
During the first 4 to 12 weeks of treatment, the length of the penis is increased only on the basis of the tissue elongation and not on the basis of the growth of new body cells. Such elongation successes are of a temporary nature only. If the penis becomes longer or thicker or if it changes its shape due to the application exceeding the period mentioned above, these results will mostly long remain even after the treatment is finished.
The devices can be worn underneath your standard pair of pants such as jeans or dress pants.
The devices should be taken off during activities that require a lot of movement.
In order to simulate the growth of the cell tissue in an ideal manner, a pulling force between 200 and 1200 grams should be selected.
During an erection, the penis is as long as it can be pulled at most in flaccid condition. It is therefore not necessary to adjust the rod or belt expander in such a case. The anatomically adaptive glans fixation of PeniMaster PRO automatically adapts to the changed size of the fixed glans during the erection. The flexible holding belt of PeniMaster arranged around the penis shaft should be loosened in the case of an erection, unless it slackens sufficiently.
Permanent side effects caused by the application of PeniMaster and PeniMaster PRO are not known. Please observe the operating instructions of PeniMaster respectively PeniMaster PRO before application.
Learn more about the risks & side effects here
Any water-based spermicide or vaginal contraceptive gel (VCF Gel), is suitable for use with Caya diaphragm. Please note that the Caya Diapragm does not come with any spermicide. Urology Health Store recommends using ContraGel® Green Gel
Indeed, Caya will stay in place even if you engage in multiple sexual acts after insertion. To do so, simply apply extra spermicide or gel with an applicator without removing the Caya diaphragm. It's essential to keep Caya in position for at least 6 hours after your partner's last ejaculation to ensure the sperm become inactive.
In addition to the spermicide, you have the option to use water-soluble lubricants to address dryness and condoms for protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It's important to ensure that the chosen lubricant is not silicone oil-based, as this can potentially harm Caya. Nevertheless, using condoms with a small amount of silicone oil should not have any adverse effects on Caya.
Two years from the initial use. Following this period, the nylon ring within Caya loses its resilience, potentially reducing its effectiveness. We strongly advise you to record the date of your first use on the product box or set a reminder in your calendar to request a replacement before reaching the two-year mark from the initial usage date. Any Caya diaphragm older than two years, regardless of usage frequency, should be safely disposed of.
Minor shifting is typical due to the contoured shape of the diaphragm. Nonetheless, if it dislodges during intercourse, it's probable that it was not inserted correctly. In this case, you should re-insert the Caya diaphragm after applying additional contraceptive gel. If it dislodges after your partner has ejaculated, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider (within 72 hours) to explore emergency contraception choices.
Indeed, though it's uncommon. If you observe any damage to your Caya diaphragm, particularly following sexual activity, it's advisable to seek guidance from your healthcare provider (within 72 hours) to explore emergency contraception alternatives. A torn or damaged Caya diaphragm should be replaced.
Prolonged use of the Caya diaphragm for over 24 hours can create an environment conducive to bacterial growth, potentially increasing the risk of infection and, although exceedingly rare, Toxic Shock Syndrome. We strongly advise reaching out to your healthcare provider to determine if an examination is warranted.
No, Caya is generally designed to fit most individuals. However, if you have uncertainties about the fit or correct insertion of Caya, it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider. If you have any reproductive concerns or specific conditions that may affect your ability to use Caya effectively, it's recommended to consult with your healthcare provider beforehand. If you encounter difficulties in finding a provider, please don't hesitate to contact Urology Health Store for more info
Most insurances cover the cost of the diaphragm. If you are concerned it’s best to contact your insurance company to confirm the amount they will cover.
No, Caya, being hormone-free, will not influence your feelings towards sexual activity. It also doesn't disrupt the moment of intimacy since you can insert it up to two hours before having sex, and you should keep it in place for 6 hours after sexual activity.
Worn externally by a penetrating partner at the base of the shaft (or object of choice), start by linking 3 stackable rings. Lube up. Slide the buffer ring down. During penetration the rings will compress down to act like a buffer. Remove or add rings as you choose. Explore! Need to know more?
Skin-safe polymer blend. It’s a thermo-set material that is BPA, phthalate, and latex free.
Note about material: The original Ohnut was designed in silicone, which therefore made it incompatible with silicone lubrication. Silicone lubricants are generally recommended by the pelvic health / medical community for their long lasting quality (having to reapply water-based lubrication during a connected moment can be very disruptive). However, silicone lubrication will degrade silicone products, therefore we decided to adjust Ohnut's material to be easily integrated with any preferred lubrication. In regards to permeability, our manufacturing experts have informed us that, in general, most plastics are permeable, with the amount of permeability depending on what size molecule and under what pressure. Ohnut's material is not permeable with the amount of pressure applied during a couple's use. However, as a precautionary measure, we recommend that Ohnut is not shared between different partners. Our material is also not considered 'hygroscopic' (water absorbing).
While buffer rings can be used by penetrating partners of any gender, feedback from those with penises includes not noticing the difference and feeling like full penetration, while also enjoying its additional use for foreplay. Some may feel a slight “hug” sensation. The majority report that sex is more satisfying because they're not as worried about causing their partner pain and their partner isn’t as worried about being in pain. This generally results in a feeling of confidence, of letting go with one another, of enjoyment.
Ohnut now comes in two sizes: Classic and Wider.
Classic: Designed for those who wear “Standard” or “regular” condoms; Lifestyles Snugger Fit, Slim Fit, or similar.
Wider:Designed for those who wear Trojan Magnum, Durex XXL, or similar; or who prefer a looser fit.In comparison, the Wider Ohnut is 15% wider than the Classic Ohnut and stretches up to 50% more.All Ohnuts are made with a soft material that stretches significantly for comfort.When in doubt about sizing, order the Wider Ohnut. It's unlikely to be too wide for effective use.Penetrating partner preference and size of origin may vary widely. So! If Ohnut feels too tight, store the rings wrapped around a water bottle that is 3” in diameter (also serves as a great drink koozie) for at least a couple of hours. This will temporarily stretch out the rings. Let us know how this works for you.
If you feel discomfort at any time — speak up to your partner, take a break, and listen to your body. Ohnut is not a medical device and does not prevent or cure any conditions — so it’s a good idea to consult with your clinician. You may also consider visiting a pelvic floor physical therapist or a pelvic floor occupational therapist.
While Ohnut is designed primarily for people who experience pain from deep penetration, we have heard some positive feedback from people who have entry pain. This may be due to the body relaxing when there is greater communication between partners or a change in head space. However, if you cannot tolerate any penetration at all, Ohnut may not be helpful to you.
First of all, congratulations!! And yes, Ohnut can accompany pelvic floor physical therapy and/or dilator therapy for post-op gender reassignment surgery (M > F).
Yes! You’ll just need to put the condom on prior to putting on your Ohnut. Be sure to use additional lubrication before sliding Ohnut on
Lubrication is essential to the Ohnut experience (do not attempt use without it!). Since Ohnut is made from an FDA-approved family of polymers, it is compatible with both silicone based and water based lubrication. Oil based lubes are not recommended, including coconut oil, as they can degrade the material and cause your rings to tear.
Make sure to store your Ohnut linked together in its bag between uses. Hand wash your Ohnut with mild soap and water after use and allow to air dry. Save your dishwasher for the dishes.
Since every body is unique, using Ohnut will not be the same for everyone. Depending on stress level, time of month, and other extenuating factors—our bodies are literally different every time we have sex. Customers have sent a ton of positive feedback, but even for those couples who love it, sometimes it doesn't work as desired. After all, we're only human. Good days and bad days are normal.
There are still all kinds of different things you can do with your Ohnut. Some folks have really enjoyed using Ohnut as a couples "stroker" or for oral sex or... (this is a new one!) If you'd like help troubleshooting your Ohnut, our customer service team is always available to answer your questions. Please contact us here.
A vacuum erection therapy device is a fixed cylinder with a pump and constriction ring designed to bring about and maintain erections. At Urology Health Store Canada, we carry a line of premium vacuum erection therapy products that feature careful construction and high-quality materials.
Our premium vacuum erection therapy products include devices Made in the U.S. and Germany, so you can be confident you are buying items that have been carefully constructed.
The vacuum is electronically limited on the Medintim Active 3 pump head. As soon as a value between -320 mmHg and -330 mmHg is reached,a solenoid valve opens and closes to maintain the level.
Immediately after prostate cancer treatment most men are more concerned about loss of urinary control and its possibility of not returning quickly. Most men regain their urinary control within 3 months. In some cases, this may be delayed (large prostate, Parkinson’s, history of TURP, tumor close to the apex).
Most sexual medicine experts believe that some form of rehabilitation is helpful to regain sexual function after prostate cancer surgery. However, data remains controversial and not fully established at this time.
Men who are unable to obtain or maintain adequate erection to their satisfaction due to stress or excitement.
• Men to assist in regaining and rehabilitating penile functioning after prostate surgery or radiation.
• Men with curvature of penis (Peyronie’s Disease). VED can encourage modeling of the scar tissue and can help reduce risk of loss of length as a consequence of Peyronie’s disease or correction surgery.
• Pre- and Post-penile implant (prosthesis) surgery to increase flaccid stretch length, and facilitate easier corporal insertion.
Battery Pumps are a little bit more convenient, you can easily push a button to create the suction. This option may be easier for men with arthritis or hand problems.
Manual Pumps are often less expense, and can create an equal amount of suction just as the Battery versions. Manual systems allow you to be in more control of the pumping “speed”. They are also virtually silent!
We meticulously formulated URIEXO® based on what’s been proven to work, and not old wives’ tales, by leveraging the best clinical research available to create the URIEXO® special formula. The research demonstrates how each ingredient is important in reaching and binding to bacteria in the urinary tract to help flush them out, keeping you healthy and off antibiotics.
URIEXO® provides a clinically-backed, double-pronged approach to fight new bacteria causing Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
No. URIEXO® is not a treatment and should not be mistaken as a pain relief medication. URIEXO® is approved by Health Canada as a Natural Health Product to help prevent recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and its associated symptoms (painful or difficult urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, & suprapubic pain), when used daily. If you are experiencing symptoms of a urinary tract infection, we highly recommend that you schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Infections can be serious if left untreated. URIEXO® may help with symptomatic relief however it is a prevention medication that helps to naturally flush out bacteria from the urinary tract.
Anyone suffering from recurrent or chronic UTIs should consider URIEXO® daily for UTI prevention. You may also want to consider taking URIEXO® if you are prone to UTIs as a result of sex, certain birth control, menopause, various medical conditions like diabetes or conditions that limit your mobility, or if you use a catheter to urinate. These conditions increase your risk of getting recurrent UTIs and URIEXO® is clinically proven for the prevention of UTIs no matter the situation. While UTIs affect mostly women, men may develop UTIs as well and can benefit from once daily URIEXO® .
Anyone suffering from recurrent or chronic UTIs should consider URIEXO® daily for UTI prevention. You may also want to consider taking URIEXO® if you are prone to UTIs as a result of sex, certain birth control, menopause, various medical conditions like diabetes or conditions that limit your mobility, or if you use a catheter to urinate. These conditions increase your risk of getting recurrent UTIs and URIEXO® is clinically proven for the prevention of UTIs no matter the situation. While UTIs affect mostly women, men may develop UTIs as well and can benefit from once daily URIEXO® .
No, you don’t. URIEXO® is a Health Canada approved Natural Health product and does not require a prescription. URIEXO® can be found in the feminine hygiene section of most pharmacies in Canada. If you can’t find it on the shelf, please ask your pharmacist to order the product from his or her preferred wholesaler.
Yes, URIEXO® is safe and licensed by Health Canada to help prevent recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and its associated symptoms (painful or difficult urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, and suprapubic pain), when used daily. As a Natural Health Product, our packaging, labeling, ingredients and manufacturing quality are regulated by Health Canada pursuant to the Canadian Food and Drug Act. All the ingredients in URIEXO® are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by Health Canada. Furthermore, unlike many of the other products available without a prescription, URIEXO® has been thoroughly assessed for quality, safety and efficacy by Health Canada and has been assigned a Natural Product Number (NPN). There are no known serious side effects for any of the ingredients at any of the suggested dose. Some people may report minor side effects like bloating and loose stool, according to published literature. Relative to the list of side effects associated with the other effective prevention option (prophylactic antibiotics), these side effects are minimal.
Unlikely but not impossible. URIEXO® does not contain any known food allergens or gluten. In addition, URIEXO® is caffeine free, sugar-free, hypoallergenic and soy free. If you have an allergic reaction, please discontinue use and consult your healthcare practitioner if necessary.
Most definitely! One option is to open the capsule and mix the powder in yogurt, cereal, juice or any other food you like. As long as the capsule ingredients are ingested, their scientifically proven benefits will be realized.
Yes. URIEXO® is safe for older adults. Because the elderly may have difficulty swallowing the capsules whole, one option is to open the capsule and mix the powder in yogurt, cereal or juice so it is easy for the elderly to take. As long as the capsule ingredients are ingested, their scientifically proven benefits will be realized.
Yes. URIEXO® is very safe, with no known side effects at any of the suggested dosages, and no known medical interactions.
Yes, it is. URIEXO® has no added glucose, so its glycemic index is quite low, and it won’t raise your blood sugar. D-Mannose is a naturally occurring sugar similar in structure to but metabolized differently from glucose so that it does not negatively impact glycemic (blood sugar) control of diabetic patients and does not pose a health risk. The capsule itself contains only a trace amount of sugar.
Yes. URIEXO® is safe to take while on antibiotics and has no known interactions with other medications.
Consult a health care practitioner before using if you are taking blood thinners. If you have specific questions about any of your other medications, we recommend speaking with your doctor.
Specially formulated with two clinically active ingredients, 2000 mg/day D-Mannose and 36 mg/day Proanthocyanidins (PACs), sourced from cranberry, URIEXO® provides you with a two-pronged and scientifically proven defence, against recurring UTIs. These two active ingredients, bind with UTI-causing bacteria in your urinary tract in two separate ways, preventing bacteria from sticking to your bladder wall and urinary tract, so that you can safely flush bacteria out of your system. This double mode of action helps prevent the pain associated with urinary tract infections, and more importantly, protects your kidneys from potential damage of recurring UTIs.
Yes, Yes, and Yes! URIEXO® capsules are vegicaps and all ingredients have been approved to meet these standards.
URIEXO is proudly made in an FDA and Health Canada approved, cGMP certified (current Good Manufacturing Practices) facility right here in Canada.
Dosing instructions:
Adults: Preventive treatment for recurrent urinary tract infections: 4 capsules daily.
Duration of use:
Use for at least 4 weeks and up to 6 months to see the beneficial effects.For best results, URIEXO® should be taken once daily with or without food. Ideally, it is best to take at the same time every day, with plenty of water, as it works on a 24-hour cycle.
URIEXO® is approved by Health Canada as a Natural Health Product to help prevent recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and its associated symptoms (painful or difficult urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, and suprapubic pain) when used daily. As a Natural Health Product, our packaging, labeling, ingredients and manufacturing quality are regulated by Health Canada pursuant to the Canadian Food and Drug Act. All the ingredients in URIEXO® are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by Health Canada. Furthermore, unlike many of the other products available without a prescription, URIEXO® has been thoroughly assessed for quality, safety and efficacy by Health Canada and has been assigned a Natural Product Number (NPN).
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